Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Understand the different Types of Turquoise used in making jewelry

Turquoise has always been a prized gemstone. The name probably comes from the French ' turques "because it was first mined in Persia (Iran) and then probably brought to Europe via Turkey. It is one of the earliest gemstones are mined and used by the ancient Aztecs, Egyptians and the Persians, who were all keen users of it in their jewellery and religious objects were. Many cultures rated it as a bringer of happiness, a talisman.

There are 3 main types of commercial turquoise for jewelry making, in addition to imitations.

The most expensive gem is called ' rank '. This is difficult enough to be cut and polished without treatment, although sometimes it can be treated with a small amount of resins or oils. Quality deliveries are becoming harder to find and obtain it all up and the price accordingly. This type of turquoise tends to below 10% of the supply of the world.

And to meet the world market for softer turquoise, turquoise, which is more abundant and often found lower in the same mine, is stabilized in various ways. The Zachery or Foutz from process chocolates turquoise with vaporized quartz and the advantages here are that the harder the stone, polishes well and of course sometimes quartz anyway with turquoise occurs.

The other stabilization method is to combine with resins that are inserted by means of pressure or vacuum techniques. This stabilisation process makes it difficult and very suitable for jewelry making. This is a very common practice and makes Turquoise Jewelry more affordable yet maintaining the overall quality of the gem when it was mined. Stabilisation is actually quite a good thing, as it helps to protect the rather porous turquoise and make it more durable to accidental soakings and damage when wearing jewelry.

The lower rank is powdery, or remnants of cut turquoise created and mixed with colorants and resins or plastic. This is only suitable for the very lowest-priced jewelry.

If there can be many imitations, but one of the most popular is dyed howlite. Howlite has often dark veining similar to natural stone, so it could be a good basis for dye to produce imitations. Also plastics and bone can be used to mimic the gemstone, but not always with great success.

You must be told when your jewelry purchase what treatment and the type or class of stone you buy and if it is not voluntary, you must ask. Prices vary from country to country, of course, but a typical price today for a chain in the United Kingdom would be a few pounds for below grade, than a reconstituted Gemstone necklace would say £ 30-90, depending on what other beads are added (for example, sterling silver or gold that also would change the charges) and, of course, more for the highest grade of gem. Gems of mines that can no longer operate very high prices due to their scarcity command.

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