Green. It is more than a nod to environmentally conscious life. This colour soothes, refreshes, and enlivens. Exactly the reason why this gem, a member of the beryl family, adroitness and lures. Although productive mines found in Zambia, Pakistan and Egypt, today, most hail from Colombia, the premier producer of emeralds.
While many everyday Jewelry buyers at least familiar with prices scales and standards of quality vis-à-vis the market diamond, colored gems each present their own set of rules and standards of quality and value. The characteristics of a diamond that determine quality and value are not the same in the case of the emerald.
Search in diamonds, jewelers and consumers flawlessness. The more colorless the diamond is, the more valuable. Inclusions and other gorges in the surface to downgrade the diamond and to reduce its value. But the attributes that are normally as flaws or liabilities in a diamond, the largest assets of the emerald. "Colorless-ness" or flawlessness, in this little gem, results in a very pale, dull green stone-hardly the extraordinary, rich color that usually comes to mind.
It is the small cracks that this stone its hue. The inclusions help to break down the traces of chromium and vanadium are responsible for turning the beryl stone (natural colorless) in a glorious gem whose depth of color will earn the distinction of "emerald." When evaluating the stone and determine the clarity, gemologists just search inclusions or gorges that are visible to the naked eye.
While a diamond, the hardest gemstone, a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, our recommended green gem rates between 7.5 and 8 registers. However, this number refers to a flawless stone, which are rarely seen in commercial jewelry, given their neutral tint. A deeper green colour is the product of imperfections, that can challenge the hardness of the stone and cutting and shaping of difficult. So, a special cut is specially developed for this gem highlight the individuality of the stone without sacrificing durability, or submitting the stone to excessive stress during cutting. Hence, the "emerald", a rectangular or square shape cut with beveled edges.
The stone is popular and adaptable for all breeds of fashion jewelry. Because inclusions are not only tolerated, but appreciated, this is a stone that affordable price doesn't have to mean decreased quality or beauty. The emerald is a piece of luxury that is easy to understand, but not less remarkable or attractive.
And many a bride in love with this stone as the gem that will Crown her engagement ring is dropped. Although the colorless diamond is still the most popular choice in the United States, many brides from step for the colored gemstone. An emerald ring is not only eye-catching, bold, and attractive appearance, it also offers superior value, allowing a larger, more dramatic stone against a more affordable price.
This season, is the emerald stone to look at. "Going green" can mean more than trying to reduce your carbon footprint. With this stone jewelry gives your summer look that extra sparkle, luster and fresh liveliness.
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