The bracelet is an old article piece of jewelry that is both decorative and religious meaning. Historians tell us that the bracelet is one of the most popular accessories in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians were the first precious metals and religious symbols to use in their bracelets. The traditional Egyptian bracelet included a representation of a beetle scarab, which symbolised rebirth and regeneration.
Scarab beetle bracelets have found in the graves and tombs of Egyptians of all classes. Rich and poor both wore these accessories on special occasions, and most of them wore them to their graves. Bracelets that date back more than seven thousand years have uncovered. Many archaeologists believe that these bracelets a spiritual goal, especially in the hereafter. A graceful bracelet made of precious metals and stones may have worked as a kind of ID band for the gods find them Pharaohs, Kings and other elites to help. This rich and important persons were then said on preferential treatment in the world outside.
Because they had more money and resources, Egyptian nobles could afford more elaborate jewelry. For example, most Egyptians believed in bad luck and evil spirits, and the only way to keep them at bay was for the purchase of a charm. Charm bracelets and necklaces were usually made with gemstones and gold, and they were quite expensive. Many wealthy Egyptians were buried with extensive charm bracelets.
The bracelet was also a popular fashion accessory with the ancient Greeks. The only difference was that it was a more Demotic piece of jewelry, usually worn by the hoi polloi, or common people. Men and women of all social classes used the bracelet as a simple decorative accessory. After all, it was their choice of clothing styles a bit limited. How many accessories can complement a toga? Just kidding!
In time served the bracelet, however, a more utilitarian, protective purpose on the battlefield. Greek soldiers wore leather bracelets, often on both wrists, as a defensive bands. These bracelets could be a warrior to protect against the loss of his hand from an unexpected or invisible swipe of the sword. She also served as status symbols for higher ranking officers. Instead of simple, unadorned leather bands, maybe a general, for example, wearing a custom Gold Bracelet with gemstones.
Modern times
The bracelet remains one of the most popular articles of jewelry in the world. Together with rings, necklaces and earrings, they are an integral part of every jewelry collection. They are also a few articles of jewelry that men feel comfortable wearing. Bracelets are of course much more popular with the girls. A man could have a bracelet, maybe two. But most women have a lot of them.
Why women love bracelets? An obvious statement is their incredible versatility. Bracelets can be made from just about any material, which means that they can complement just about any outfit. They also come in a variety of styles and sizes. Most bracelets are also very affordable.
Gel bracelets
Made of colored silicone rubber gel bracelets, most can be purchased for just a few dollars. They are popular with both sexes, because they are simple and are often produced to raise awareness for a good cause. The yellow Livestrong wristband, for example, was developed and popularized by cyclist Lance Armstrong. A cancer survivor himself, Armstrong promotes these bracelets in to raise money for cancer treatment and research. More than 70 million of them are sold.
Charm bracelets
Although she probably won't get you special treatment in the afterlife, charm bracelets are still popular with women of all ages. The fundamental bracelet is often a traditional link bracelet made of silver or gold. Necklace with charms can then be purchased from a for one or all at once and addicted or truncated on the bracelet. The sound the charms as they move is pleasant for most carriers. But most women wear them and they buy for their daughters, because they can be personalized. There are hundreds and thousands of charms that can be given as gifts on special occasions. Sports-related charms, animal charms and popular forms and symbols are just a few of the charm categories to choose from.
Unlike link bracelets, a bangle is generally in solid form and is usually made of a kind of metal. They are often worn in groups or in pairs and only by the fairer sex. Women like bangles because they are a versatile accessory and they move around on their wrists. It might sound easy, but we should not the importance of tactile stimulation discount. In some countries, women wear sets of bangles that are made of tempered glass that a sound like the wind chime making when they knock together.
Regardless of the outfit or ensemble, a bracelet can be used to complement it. Take the time to a wonderful new bracelet for your jewelry collection now.
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