Thursday, June 9, 2011

The mystery of corals

There are more than 2500 species of corals in nature, which are distinguished in the palette of 350 colors. Originally, they are dim, but powerful glass glitter be polished; staining can be both uniform and fragmentary. After removal of polyps and "Beefy" skin, a coral is used as beads and applies to the manufacture of various interior decoration and jewellery.

Corals are a favorite decoration since antiquity. Black ("akkabar", or "Royal Coral") coral, coral ("acorea"), Hawaiian blue golden coral, red and pink precious corals are especially appreciated in a jewelry production. Most of all red varieties are used. These corals are wonderful as final products, no wonder that beautiful houris are compared with them in the Quran. Corals are often mentioned in the Bible-they were traded with the tribute band, Armenians to Zidon with corals and rubies (Ezekiel, XXVII, 16). Pliny the elder wrote that in India, corals, pearls were valued equally with: Indian priests attributed them something holy, protection against danger. White corals are also used. They are often tint to the most popular colors, or simply as decoration in homes in the form of coral branches.

Corals are a symbol of modesty in Europe. According to legends and beliefs, they protect from poisons and witchcraft, useful against shortness of breath, forgetfulness and loss of appetite, nervous tic and nervous attacks (if you are a coral in a chain on the neck of the patient hang). Corals indicate a strength and reduce heart palpitations, it is the cure for grief and sadness. These semi-precious stones have long been used for the treatment (enhance their shell, stop excessive tearing, give them a gloss) eyes and teeth, headache and sore throat, liver and blood vessels, gout and ulcers of intestine. Coral beads protected from paralysis and the "evil eye". In the middle ages, believed that corals created a man wise, to prevent problems, heal wounds and to reduce fever, ensured the success of the opposite sex. If you burn the stone, and sprinkle it on old sores, then you can remove them drying, neoplasia: corals Helen and purify them so there will be no trace. Corals purifies the blood, treating inflammation, confer upon the youth of the soul and the exaggerated "hot" heads calm, help to avoid hatred, jealousy and anger; need it as a ring on the middle finger of the right hand are worn. A white coral branch, placed in a flat, improves the cross energy, makes a positive and favorable field and catches the eye. In antiquity, they believed even that corals can protect crops against Frost: for this reason she pounded corals and mixed them with rye or tied to wooden stakes on a team.

Romans believed that incinerated, pulverized and dropped in water corals aid to people suffering from spasmodic pain intestine, in diseases of the stomach, the spleen and the bladder. It acts as a drug being dropped into wine or water. Ancient Greeks as a pink coral is regarded as a symbol of immortality and happiness.

This gem is sensitive to heat, acids and hot baths, over time the turns pale and lose color. It must be kept in a humid environment and away from heat sources.


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