Planning a wedding? Consider this ... most people planning weddings are often influenced by what they are "supposed to do." What is "proper etiquette." (My bridesmaids of the same dresses wear? I can only invite some of the people of my Office? What if I don't want to have a dinner reception?) While I certainly in favor of good manners (really do not need to invite your mother-in-law), I do not encourage people to take on the basis of what society says that they should do. Especially when it comes to things will you forever, such as choosing your engagement ring and wedding band cherish.
Tired of trying to follow all the rules for wedding bands? Good news! The trends of recent years is not going anywhere, meaning rules are no longer "set in stone" (bad pun, I know). Below I point out on some of the major myths about wedding band shopping. So take a deep breath, and feel the freedom to choose what is right for you.
Myth 1: the wedding ring must match the engagement ring.
Not the case. Just because your engagement ring a thin, white gold setting does, doesn't mean you are stuck with a plain white band as your only option. Try a white diamond eternity band, or something that has divided stones. Or, on the cover, if your Assembly contains a lot of diamonds, feel free to choose a simpler band to pair with it. It is actually more of a designer to choose something that looks similar, but not "matchy-matchy. ' Purchase of an obvious "set" often looks like it was a "2 for 1". So take a little creative freedom, and try on a few more options, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Most likely, you just doubled your options and you are your own signature style at the same time. Score.
Myth 2: your Band has to your man's Band.
Ever been shopping with a girlfriend, and you both try on the same cocktail dress? It looks great on your friend ... but horrible on you. this same problem can occur in shopping for bands. If you are trying to get something exactly the same, chances are that it doesn't look just so incredibly on both of you.
I recently had a few come in, and the woman really wanted a diamond eternity band in Platinum, and wanted her fiancé to get a platinum band. However, her fiance Cuban was, and the rose-gold hammered band looked incredibly on his skin-tone, when it was created for him. With bands, it is about choosing something that you will enjoy wearing for the rest of your life.
If you're really interested in getting similar styles, many designers offer a ' his and her "version of rings. You can always make an adjustment to "marry" (I know, bad pun again) the two different styles together. For the few I mentioned above, they decided to make a small black diamond within the band. It was something special between the two of them, and internally United their bands.
Myth 3: the wedding ring should be worn next to the engagement ring.
Certain engagement ring settings are for a band to flush. An old-school solution to this is to a U-shaped wedding band. I usually recommend this, as it forbids you of the possibility of wearing your band only. For example, when traveling, many do not feel comfortable wearing their engagement ring, so better to be able to carry your band than nothing at all!
As mentioned above, the U-shaped tends to look lot "matchy-matchy designer ', and less. It is perfectly alright that there is some space between the two rings.
Another option that now, is very common is to pass your engagement ring on the right side, and only carry your band on the left. This looks particularly great if you choose a thicker wedding band. The link can look very balanced and original.
Bottom line? Consolation to know by deciding to do what works best for you doesn't mean you have something "wrong." The new trend is exactly this ... are non-traditional traditional.
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